Overcoming Self-Doubt

Going through abuse can cause many side effects. One being self-doubt. Doubt in your ability to get out of the abusive relationship. Doubt in your ability to move forward in your life. Doubt that you can recover. Self-doubt doesn't come from God. It's a tactic the enemy uses to keep us bound in a dead situation. For years, I struggled with abuse. For years, I also struggled with self-doubt. How was I ever going to be whole? How could I raise my children on my own? How could I forgive the ones who hurt me?

For every type of abuse: sexual, mental, financial, physical, emotional I have a story. And for every story, I have a testimony that God can not only remove you from the situation, but He can restore you. You will recover. All He needs is a willing vessel. The things I once doubted I would be able to overcome, God showed me later that I had no reason to fear. I would overcome those very circumstances.

I won't mislead you and say that it will be easy, but I can assure you that it will be worth it. Pray this prayer: "Lord, I'm available to you. Use me for your glory. Anything that is not of you, remove it from my life. Help me to believe in your ability to heal and to restore. Everything that was taken from me (self-love, dignity, respect) I trust in you to recover it all. May Your will be done in my life. Amen." “...I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”
Mark 9:24 NLT

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